I'm on the mission A Broken Will, and I'm cruising around the Dreadnaught, when I go to the menu to see how many Hadium Flakes I've gathered. 28.
The forums said it was only 25 that I needed.. but maybe the game won't accept some of those because of.. reasons. So I continue harvesting Hadium for a few minutes. 35 Flakes. Still no quest progression.
Now I'm mildly insulted, but I figure I'll Mythbusters this thing and go for complete overkill.
Harvesting, harvesting, harvesting, 45 Flskes. Still nothing. Even tried abandoning the quest and restarting it. Nothing.
Any ideas? I know this sounds like three year old, but I want my sword dagnabbit!
Just return to shax it doesn't show a progression part that quest