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10/13/2015 1:50:39 PM

List of bugs I've found throughout Taken King

1. Short answer, Audio bug in House of Wolves


2. Sisters have bug if you kill the first too fast


Which should they fix first? Vote Above!


1. House of Wolves! One of my personal favorite DLC's but there is a fairly [b]HUGE[/b] Audio bug. First it would start off by you not being able to hear a couple of shots, then it turns into complete madness. You can't hear Variks, you can't hear enemies, till eventually you can't hear anything. I don't know what causes this bug but it is definitely an issue. (Ive only found this in the Prison of Elders, but it could be in other areas.) 2. Sisters in Kings Fall! What?! A bug in the raid already? Yep, if you are able to kill the first sister before the timer runs out, you have a chance to freeze the next timer, the next time your Torn between the dimension the timer on the bottom left will freeze, and the enemies in mid will shoot but won't hit, or better yet, they wont shoot at all. Those are just some of the more major bugs I've found throughout Destiny's Taken King. I honestly hope they get this fixed when they are able to, but for now they aren't posing too much of a problem. (Also this is only my second post [b]EVER[/b] if you could please comment below)

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