Religious parallels, sure. The Speaker even talks of the 'The Traveler' as a 'broken God'.
But it only goes so far. Themes of light and hope against darkness and despair are pretty much embedded in the roots of every story in every culture. It doesn't make Destiny 'Christian' per se. In fact the notion that The Traveler came from beyond our Solar system to replace any previous concepts of Religion on Earth is anything but.
I've noticed parallels within destiny to many religions because like destiny, religions tell stories. Often there are aspects of stories that look similar. It just works.
Yep. See also the Hero with a Thousand Faces. When you start comparing and contrasting any story or mythology you will always find common themes from a dozen others. Does that make any story worthless? Of course not. But there are always going to be common the,es with any number of stories.