Some of the Bible is metaphorical, and a lot of it is "pre-Jesus" law. The way it goes is that when Jesus was crucified on the cross and took the punishment for the world's sin, a new covenant was made.
So for example, before His birth, the Jewish people (and many other groups of people in that time) had very specific laws and punishments for certain crimes. After Jesus was crucified, He effectively says "I've been punished so you won't have to be, should you choose to accept such a gift". So now, things like gouging out your eyes and such are not needed.
If I know what you're referring to though (better to cut off members of the body then live with them after sinning with them), I believe that's more a metaphor. Jesus is describing that the damage of cutting off your arm is less then that of suffering the damage of sin on your soul. Of course since Jesus died on the cross, should you choose to accept that gift and live accordingly (actively trying NOT to -blam!- up), then you have little to worry about anyways since Jesus took the fall for your sins.
And that's how that works.
Agreed! Most morons never read the bible and just go off of other people's theories.
They aren't morons.
They are mislead.
Perhaps, but I'd be mislead too if someone said to me "Hey moron, you don't read the Bible. Let me teach you how you're wrong." You can be ignorant of something and not be a moron, and in many (not all, but many) cases its smart not to listen to destructive feedback. My only point being is that if one is going to educate someone in some way, do so first by example and again through respectful communication.
do you know what moron means by any chance?
Because burning in a lake of fire for simply being born in the wrong place isn't a terrible punishment? GTFO
And that's completely false. Hell has nothing to do with where you are born.
So if I'm born to an aboriginal tribe who never hears about Christianity I get to go to heaven anyway?
No, but that's why we have missionaries and why it's so important to spread God's word. Location is not the issue. Lack of communication is the issue. If location was the issue, then you'd be barred from Heaven no matter what which is simply not the case.