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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
10/13/2015 8:00:27 PM
A: Another one? Oryx is getting too ahead of himself, he's already crossed the line and in just itching to crush his head. We're nearing Xel's position. You'll be debriefed there. [i]Adara contacts Xel through radio, to warn him thier nearing his position. As the two titans walk, they hear fallen technology whirring echo in the distance. Adara continues however, knowing that the fallen are far from thier position.[/i] A: Xel, we're nearing your position, have you seen anything unusual? X: [i]Only a few skiffs, nothing major. You have a guardian with you?[/i] A: Yes, a Titan. Sunbreaker. X: [i]Alright then. Didn't you say you don't like Sunbreakers?[/i] A: [b]Ahem.[/b] X: [i]Oh, dear my apologies, I've run my mouth again. [/i] A: Just be ready.

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