I must hide... Arach Red will take over... Please, Hideo, Friend...
Edited by Executor Hideo: 10/13/2015 9:07:52 PMWe are not friends. But as you are a still (currently) a citizen of the City, I will still help you. Hide behind the Crates over by the Firepit, and dont get any ideas. I keep tabs on the Content within them.
Thank you..
If you want I can give you something to throw at the one who is after you so Hideo can stop him or to help stop him from hurting Hideo. Like a book or something. Maybe a fake engram I use to bait other guardians in the crucible with?
Foul Play. The Assailant sent me this... [quote][url=https://i.imgur.com/9ZBfr7u.jpg]this says otherwise[/url][/quote]
Arach Red Here. Yes, yes, Julisun was shot down on Luna, by a Assailant Named "Coralius-21". I know that name. He is Lakishimi's violent sibling. He was a titian, last seen near Twilight Gap. I will bring news as it breaks. Keep still, allies.
FWC News: Guardians, a violent Member has started a uprising. He struck the Fleet. His next target is likely a Executor. Keep Steady. His tracker pinpointed him last near Bannerfall....