" 4 of us went up to that inferno breach only one has ever crawled out I am the last of my kin, I have seen what the cabal have called a god... Isthcar he has taken everything from me and only a true guardian such as your self can stop his wrath!"
Zavala- "so here's the story guardian a few months ago oryx took a commander from the cabal forces which pretty much got them mad well that commander was the brother to an emperor from a nearby by planet called Neptune... It's unclear why he is here but if we do not stop him we will never win this war."
Ghost- "so we got a pretty mad emperor pissed off at us because oryx took him so now what?"
Rioas the guardian- "we fight"
They spawn in on some broken cliffs on a unknown planet each place full of strange and unique power before them it was all dust the guardian with his ghost start exploring the planet with dangerous cabal enemy's lurking in the shadows.
For some reason the guardian felt more at home it reminded him much like Valhalla which they never kept information anywhere but he knew it was some sort of heaven but this heaven was no heaven instead a hell hole for the worst abominations ever.
Rioas- "zavala how do we know where to find this "emperor.. Zavala?!
Ghost- "com links are down but you might look up.."
The guardian looks up and sees a massive fortress in front of him
Rioas- "right..I knew that"
As soon as the guardian walks into plain sight 7 snipers gun him down he shade steps into cover. The cabal go on alert and the enemies hiding in the shadows came out like mist attacking the in every direction the guardian starting killing one after another. Pushing himself closer to the base where the forces kept on coming and coming.
With no back up the guardian pushed for seven days killing cabal after each time they kept on landing down to kill him one tried to stab him he grabbed the sword and chopped the head off the commander one by one they all fell..
Taken started to appear once the guardian got to the main entrance he quickly pulled out his ghost for the door to open. With the taken out numbering him in every possible way the guardian got shot in the arm and he screamed and fell behind cover.
Rioas- hurry up!! I'm dying out here!
The ghost working hard at his work didn't notice a taken sniper at the bridge trained on him it shot the ghost and kept shooting the ghost fell a ball of light flamed in the air as a breath from the traveler escaped Into the night..
The door came open at the last second the guardian quickly rushed inside while getting shot feeling the pain and death creeping up against him.
He frantically got wires and started pulling all of them and the door started to seal shut with taken rushing towards the door to get the kill but did not succeed..
The guardian thought he had won he thought he escaped but he turned around to see a steal emperor in shiny armor way advanced then regular cabal armor the guardian reloaded his weapon while panting in the dark..
And open!!
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