This thread is inspired by another: view original post
I brought beer and pizza.
We got chips and hot wings!
We have Jim Beam Honey, Fireball, White Lightning, and Buffalo Trace.
For pizzas, we have pepperoni and cheese. Now with cheese-stuffed crust. We got bacon-wrapped pizza now!
[b][i]Please note, this thread does not condone the idea of a "master race/class."[/i]
All classes are allowed![/b]
Dredgen Yor is here!
Edit: Shin Malphur has killed Dredgen.
Dredgen has a message for Shin: -blam!- you shin, I'm still here
Jaren Ward told me he's also part of the thread now.
Cayde-6 is here!
Pahanin says hi.
We got Exo and Awoken strippers!
The Last Word is here!
At the moment, we're at 2000+ replies!
We hit 777 replies!
We hit 1000 replies!
We hit 2000 replies!
We hit 100 likes!
We hit 200 likes!
We hit 300 likes!
We hit 400 likes!
We hit 500 likes!
We hit 600 likes!
Thank you guys for all of the replies, this is my most productive thread.
Can titans pls stop bashing hunters so bad in the threads? I mean you did after all not only get an entire subclass on hunters nerfed; but you got our jump nerfed too. Mean while: Titans can fly pretty much; and sunbreakers---> biggest slap in the face to gunslingers ever! So yea can we please keep the hate flow from titan to hunter toned down a bit? (I really could care less on master class stuff they claim an no im not sayin hunters are better or titans arent as good; im jus sayin this negative feed back is ridiculous)
That can happen when hunters do the same. Gunslingers are still hugely superior to sunbreakers (I have played both, so don't give me that bs). I have no issues with hunters on paper, but you guys need to treat other classes with more respect.
Gunslingers get 1-3 seconds to fire 1-3 shots; Sunbreakers 5-7 shots (with tracking option) and massive defense buff (idk why thats not in percs but there is a defense buff) and AoE burn effect option that sticks. An yea we did get every single aspect of our best load out completely nerfed so yea (hand cannon + shotgun + blink jump + arc bolt grenade on blade dancer----> every single item there got nerfed) I do pretty dec as a gunslinger but its hit or miss; you get totally mopped up like 50% of the time. But it is my preffered class (gunslinger) Not saying one is supremely better than the other but after getting our blade dance meta build destroyed your sunbreaker deff buff in super mode is kinda insult to injury.