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10/14/2015 6:34:58 AM

Commentary on the new cash shop

BUNGiE, even if it was not intentional you have to admit this looks bad. No, correction, it looks [b]corrupt[/b]. There are usually 2 things you can buy with microtransations: Time and Cosmetics. Cosmetics are fine, I don't care if one player wants to pay more to dance slightly differently. More power to them and to you for the extra diversity. The issue is the other thing you can pay to buy: Time. In essence you are paying for MORE LOOT, and not just more loot but MORE OF THE BEST (in theory) LOOT IN THE GAME. More and faster then the person whom is not spending the extra money on cash shop consumables. Yeah sure the non-cash shop player could, eventually, get the same drops... but it might take an extra 3 weeks. That is what I mean by Time. Oh, and add in how poor the raid has been in rewarding loot so far? If I have to buy a cash shop item to get drop rates equivalent to year one raids I am going to just skip the content. It is just not worth it. Not worth my time. Not worth my money. Not worth the frustration as I watch other players pay to win. Not. Worth. It. Starter packs are a thing in the industry and personally I think they defeat one of the main purposes of the game: the feeling of becoming more powerful as you level up your character gaining new abilities and being able to fight more difficult encounters and enemies. Starter back bullshite robs the new player of this experience. What about the player who already has 2 max level characters? I could see an argument being made here but that would be a very small slice of the playerbase buying starter packs especially considering the cornucopia of blue engrams that literally shower down upon a high level character these days. From someone who has played your games since Pathways Into Darkness: for the love of god stahp. Just stahp. Leave the emotes. Leave the dances. But please, please, do not bend your playerbase over with this consumable shite.

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