Hosting Oryx Cp carries, streaming on twitch., need 2 each run
I have a team of 4 308+ light experts on oryx, we have the cp saved on alts and are carrying randoms through oryx for the next 4 hours.
We don't care what level or experience you are. All you need to do is listen to us and not swear or you will be kicked as we are streaming.
For an invite send me your best yo momma joke over Xbox
GT: Xdr Chroniic (there are 2 i's)
RaidHelp101 is a clan of skilled, dedicated raiders who work together daily, helping the community complete Destiny's end game content. Console Xbox One Checkpoints Fresh runs begin at Annihilator Totems and end killing Oryx. We also run Oryx checkpoints for those who need it. Requirements Follow us on twitch Join us on stream and wait to get pulled via raffle (best way to keep it fair) Have a Mic or Kinect and be at least light level 280. Founder IMA EATurSOUL Members Follow To stay connected with when we will be helping raid follow us here and here Clan Leader Stats