Lidra, the hunter silently sits in the dreadnaught while looking and her darkness flaming hands. "I need to be allowed back in the tower. I have changed." She silently slinks over to her ship and flies to the tower. As soon as she enter, every guardian in the tower instantly pull out guns. "I come in peace!" She says. "You know that you are not supposed to be here Lidra!". "I've changed! I have light in me again!" Commander Zavala walks out and says, "you have 10 seconds to leave!" "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Open fire!" Lidra soaks up all bullets and makes them all melt instantly, she leave to the dreadnaught to unleash her rage. Te cabal are trembling and the taken cower. Lidra eyes turn black and she hovers around with blackness coming from her hands. Everything she floats past is instantly destroyed. "Why must they be so stubborn?" "Lidra! Stop! It's just me!" Lidra turns around to see Cayde-6. Cayde-6 has always tried to convince everybody to let her back in the tower but they never listened. Cayde-6 has always helped Lidra with taming the darkness. "Come on, let's get out of here." Said cause-6. Lidra and Cayde go to the reef for a drink while he calms her because if Lidra get too worked up, she might go insane because of the darkness. "So, any quests you been going after?" Asked Cayde-6. "Not really." Said Lidra. "You seem to be bluffing." Said Cayde-6. "Well, maybe I've been trying to find a team to to to other galaxies but I dint know if it's gonna work. But I had one of my visions again and I saw something out there!" Said Lidra. Cayde-6 said, "Well, normally I would call people crazy but I know that you have these visions because if the darkness and they always seem to be right so it might work but you would need to find 4 guardians that are willing to do it." "4 guardians?" Asked Lidra. "Come on, you are going into other galaxies and I've been locked up in the tower for ever sense I can remember and you expect me to NOT come? I'm coming ok?" Said Cayde-6. "Ok" laughed Lidra. "Anyways, we need to find the best guardians for this, you ready?" Asked Cayde-6. "Let's do this!" Said Lidra.
[spoiler]if you would like to join this group going out to other galaxies, PM me your description and a little bit about you. Let's find what out there![/spoiler]
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