everyone just share with us something you heard from a year 2 player that made you laugh
this is only to kill time for Tess and IB.
in no way am i making fun or trying to put year 2 players down
in fact i will help any of you out with whatever you need. this post is only for some good laughs and hopefully you can come here to learn something new.
gt KeyToMyCity
"Hey! there's a heavy ammo pack on the ground right here if anybody needs it"
Edit: i want to thank you all of you guardians for participating and giving all of us some good laughs and memories , lets keep this going.
finally the update is near and i shall go get ready for IB and Tess. See you all on the battlefield.
Guys I got a sick as shot gun called lord of wolves Guys it sucks it dropped my light to 256 Hey look an exotic shard what do I do with it