Shout out to ggmarasov on [url=]Reddit[/url] for providing this once in a lifetime opportunity.
I hear a lot of people calling for Movie of The Week, and I agree! This is great! But all credit needs to go to [url=]Mara Sov[/url]. They made the edit and OP on Reddit.
This needs to be movie of the week
Stuff like this!!!! why I love this community!
He saw the chance, but he didn't take it, HE SEIZED IT.
Bump hahaha
Reply for later
This deserves movie of the week. Hilarious!
*Slowly claps*
Bravo. Achieved the Strength of the Wolf.
I guess emotes will make MOTWs 10x better!
This is great!
The sorrow emote was just perfect
This is beyond funny.
This should be MOTW
MOTW. that made me laugh so hard.
Haha I've played against Mara Sov and prince Uldren against Xbox once.
Haha! Perfect