This letter/essay/challenge to Bungie involves three parts, parts 2 and 3 are replies to this first post. Please read them if you have the time and be respectful.
Hello Bungie,
I know that this will likely go unread, and ignored. However, I feel driven to express why I can no longer play Destiny, why minutes before starting this post the game was permanently uninstalled, the disk put through a disk shredder. Here and now listen to my journey from starry eyed beta player filled with hope for the galaxy spanning epic to a jaded veteran who can no longer put up with the treatment. At the time of this writing according to my XBox One, I have spent 1454 hours playing this game with a Grimoire Score of 3805. Neither of those will ever increase again.
When I first heard about Destiny, I was excited to hear about a new Bungie game. I had been corrupted into Halo back during the original XBox days playing Halo 2 with a friend and his kids. It was the first time I had learned to handle a controller for an FPS, originally I was and still am today a fan of well made RPG's. I grew more excited and curious to see what Bungie could do when I read that Destiny was going to be an RPG shooter. The idea of mixing RPG elements and a shooter made me very curious to see what could come of it. Four months before Destiny released, I lost my job due to circumstances that have no bearing on this article, I spent the next three months looking for work and reading more about Destiny.
Way back during the start and hype machine of the beta, I found a game that had so much potential, it was clear that there was so much more content just waiting to be seen. I made new friends, found great players that I would spend the next year playing the game with. I treasure the time I spent with them. I remember playing with one of my new friends from beta and tricking the ogre out from the area underneath the the helipad to charge and ducked to the side and laughed as my friend fell all over himself watching the unkillable ogre die on the cliffs below. Those were good times, where the potential and mystery of what Destiny could be was bright in my mind's eye, and I imagine it was so in many other player's minds as well.
I was finally able to find work a bit before the full game dropped. I went to the midnight release, picked up my copy of the XBox One Special Edition of Destiny. I was thrilled looking through all the extras, felt it was cool as all heck that I had a real Ghost. This was good stuff. I truly felt at that point that I had gotten my money's worth. Then I tried installing the game...
That was the beginning of the nightmare. As I had already learned before trying to update a game on release night if it's a major release is a lost cause. I tried it anyways, it was a lost cause. Figuring that it was light any big title release, I went to sleep and thought I could just start the update before I went to work. Not so, I woke up, only to find the update still failing, I continued trying, and still it failed. Frustrated but still trying to be understanding I left it all for when work was done. Still the journey was only just beginning. I finally got the game to register for updates more than 18 hrs after it dropped, only to find that I had many gigs worth of updates as the day 0 update. This was bull. There wasn't any possible way a brand new game required several gigs worth of updates on release night. Maybe a couple megs to unlock locks on content to prevent people from accessing it early, but even then for a server log in requirement, that's unneeded.
I work in IT, I deal with networking issues, authorization, authentication, certificates, etc on a daily basis. This sudden day 0 multigig update wasn't adding content, they were blocking and rewriting access to content. Please note that the bluray disks are capable of holding 25gb on single layer and 50gb on dual layer, so these updates were not issues of insufficient space on the disk at time of press. I wasn't thrilled, but I managed to convince myself like any good addict that Bungie was adding content. In the end the update finally came around, the game was finally playable. I jump in and start my journey into the ruins of Earth only to find them virtually unchanged from the beta... I'd spent a weekend beating the first quarter of the game before it was released. Not the best start, but I continued, It started so well... and then the story flopped like a five year old in the midst of a sugar high halloween night. Where had this epic gone, where were all of these supposed alien races, where was the GALAXY SPANNING adventure. I beat the game that was available and yet I HADN'T even managed to get half way out of the SOLAR SYSTEM. The boss of the game before the Vault of Glass released.... um excuse me sirs I thought I was supposed to be getting a bossfight not three tier 2 goblins with torch hammers and some ads. Yet somehow killing three random oversized goblins revived by a pulsing black mass in the background was supposed to be an EPIC battle. It was a huge let down. Nothing can truly express my disappointment. But hey there was crudible... maybe PVP was better... riiiight.
So onwards crucible, nah I'm not even going to get started on that disaster, that'll wait for later. I'll include Iron Bannter and the eventual Trials of AimBotting Thorns. So lets see, Queen's Wrath.... nope, save that for later. Lets go to raiding.
SO.. in preparation to raid, I was excited I worked and ground out for improved gear, only to keep running short on shards to level, Energy I had plenty, never enough shards. So rather than getting into the raid early I was delayed a week or two trying to get enough shards to level my gear to a high enough light level to actually get a group to accept me into a raid. That group failed miserably, myself included, no one could managed to get enough DPS or organization to make it work. It was just a bad raid. I tried again only to get a single response, emphatically when they found out I was playing a Titan, got a Gjallerhorn? Of course I answered honestly, I didn't have it, and got ignored. This went for hours every day. This wasn't fun, but I was a stubborn one and I finally managed to bs my way onto a team, beat it easily. no armor... no weapons... just energy the last thing I needed and chatterwhite, which would server me well getting into later teams.
Chatterwhite managed to convince people that I had indeed beaten the raid, and that I knew the fights. It got me into plenty of teams... only to get kicked when they found out that I wasn't running a rocket launcher let alone Gjallerhorn, the travesty, I was using a machine gun, even worse a low rate of fire high impact machine gun. Eventually I slogged through the gateway and managed to earn the respect of a good team running the machine gun, and horror or horrors I ran with a shotty instead of the godly fusion rifle or sniper rifle. Primarily by bullrushing Praetorians with a full invective in the air to kill them and walk away still standing at a time when everyone was machine gun dancing with them long before the shotgun buff. Of course I found out quickly that I was stuck being required to run an exotic helmet in order to reach max level because like everyone else found out raid helmets didn't drop from regular raid, hard mode only. Luckily I was able to con my way into a talented team to get into the hard mode. which was beat soundly, with cheese and rewarded with me with lucky drop of the raid helmet. I could finally run my armamentarium and play the way I wanted to play.
Onwards now to the joys of PVP, well I'll skip to Iron Banner, I don't think I can refrain from foul language on the base crucible.
Then came the joys of Iron Banner, this sounded amazing, level adjustments active in PVP, this was great, or so I thought until I got to play it. And so the odyssey of Suros Regime began. I ground out all three of my characters, Titan, Warlock and Hunter to rank 5 in iron banner. I had earned my right to wear gold spiral on all three, I had my cloak, my band and my mark. Keep in mind that this was long before the tempered bonus and the character bonus for Iron Banner. I cannot tell you how many times I dropped by some random level 20 with green gear, green weapons using subpar everything against my level 30 raid gear. So I brought in some friends to test, level 6 who kept the starter kostov rifle wrecked 30's all day long, he switched to his 28 hunter and took more damage than the level 6 titan. There was a massive problem, the level adjustment effects were virtually unnoticed. Whats more I experienced the drastic differences in the styles for all of the subclasses, I tried out everything, voidwalker check, sunsinger check, gunslinger check, bladedancer check, striker check, defender check. Oh the powerlessness of the bubble. Took a lot of practice to make people scared of a titan in a bubble when blade dancers walked through it, sunsingers blew it up, gunslingers ate it like a bad joke, strikers fist of panicked straight in ignoring the defense boost of armor of light as though it didn't even exist.The list goes on, but in the end, you had to work hard and play dirty to play defender in anything crucible.Even greater the joys of room clearing with blade dancer in iron banner 6 levels below the cap and one shotting teams of 30's as though they were nothing. In the end I grew to dislike even Iron Banner. Then later times came and the real nightmares of crucible came. Aimbots, lag, blatant god modes. It was a recurring theme to blast 4 rounds of invective into a hunter and barely see their shields go down point blank only to get hunter melee'd to death because they somehow didn't die from full auto shotgun to the chest.
To be continued in the next post.
Git gud, naw just kidding, I didn't read your essay, skimmed over it. Damn right about everything you're saying. I have 1400 or some odd hours as well since day one, and am super bummed about this game. Best wishes in your future ventures. It has been painful to watch this game slowly die at the hands of those in charge :(