I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
♦Weed makes people lazy and unproductive. ♦Drug cartels are still going to be doing illegal shit, no problem will be solved. ♦Marijuana contributes to psychosis and schizophrenia ♦1 in 6 users become addicted after a single use ♦DUI's (arrested for or not) are more common among weed users. Weed is a public health hazard. ♦I don't want my kids doing it ♦Cannabis candy and food is already being marketed by individuals aiming to start marijuana corporations to children. ♦Use will increase under legalization ♦Legalization adds a wholesome aspect to drugs and increases their sales while driving down negative opinions about them. It reduces IQ scores ♦For every $1 society gains in Tobacco and Alcohol taxes it looses $10 in social costs from accidents, incidents (such as a child needing to go into custody due to parental neglect, abuse, abandonment, etc) and health costs. The increased use of Marijuana is not going to give the economy a huge financial boost. Keep in mind that only .1 % of prisoners with no priors are in for weed before you try to challenge this. In Colorado teen use has increased astronomically, despite efforts THC level regulation in products is non existent, the expense of legalization already exceeds the money garnered by the State, and fatal car crashes involving weed have skyrocketed. No. This is a stupid idea. Stop it.