Please put *satire* at the top of your post to prevent any undue salt from Americans who don't understand sarcasm
Someone's salty
Back to back World War champs tho
Ok.. Because all Americans are blundering idiots hmm.. Why..
What's that gotta do with the Yanks? Trust me there's just as many idiots in the UK.
I dont dispute that but most of them are too busy pretending to be gasters to waste time on an Internet fourm heh
-blam!-in' gasters
Those damned gasters.
U wot m8.
Woah woah woah... Not cool man
What does any of this have to do with America or does your country need some freedom yah.
Yeah says the guy from a country that thought it was a good idea to flood they're country with "refugees" that hate they're guts. Also the British empire early in ww2 were sympathetic to natsies. Spelled it wrong on purpose.
This is our corrupt government along with our media has nothing to do with me. That's like saying all Germans were natzies
I officially retract my previous statement your obviously not a sheep. And hey your right about [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] the first country they took over was their own.
I'm just gonna stay hidden in the wood with my guns, bunker, and tin foil hats... And shitty internet lol
Lol good luck man. Just wondering is anything different yet over there seen a lot about the migration deal on some internet sites but media over here doesn't cover anything?
We only get a weeks worth of coverage on any topic. Then they move on and its like it never happened.ebola, refugees school shootings,ect. The only time stuff is brought back up is for political reasons
Same here all well that's what happens when only six networks run all the media. Have a good one man.
You to man[spoiler]op is american smh[/spoiler]
[spoiler]hahahahhhahha we self hate a lot [/spoiler]
I was talking about steady hand lol
Oh lol oops
Hahaha gotcha bitch lol jk
Hah I'm sorry but this is off topic. Just found out my dog might be dying. I know I know he's just a dog but if you knew my dog you would get it idk why I'm telling you just needed to tell someone. Its rough hes the best dog I've ever had and now he might be gone. Never even lost anything this close. Sorry to be so surreal all the sudden .
Shit just got real someone's dog is dying. All you can do is hope for the best man things will get better