Title says it all! In the last raid there will ever be for Destiny 1, what would you like to see in the last fight?
Me personally I would love a mash up of all the bosses in one, like a mega fight. Including the likes of Atheon, Crota, Oryx and what the hell give Skolas an invite too. Throw them all in one big arena, and make us fight them. Maybe it turns out they're all serving a bigger force?
Edit 1: A sequence fight like above. You start off having to fight Atheon, 2 minutes afterwards Crota spawns in, then Skolos, Sisters, Oryx ect ect. All in two minute Windows. The fight is over when every boss is vanquished, causing the biggest stir ever, awakening the real end boss of Destiny 1.
SmoggyPluto will be taken, and will launch Gjallarhorn shots from his hands, the Wolfpack rounds tracking each player. Once you've beaten him, the best reward drops for the person who has a KD of .64 or less throughout the raid. [spoiler]All the bundle babies don't know who I'm talking about lol[/spoiler]