If you don't want year 1 exotics, don't buy Legacy Engrams. Every Friday there is the same post. "I bought Legacy Engrams and received year 1 exotics. This is dumb." These posts are getting on my nerves.
I never looked up the meaning for " Legacy " In my books, it just means " Old " That's all I need to know... Once I get that sweet Shadestep Helmet I will only buy Legacy... Time to complete my collection
I think some people need to look up 'Legacy' in the dictionary ... unless they are too stupid to read something
A noble attempt to save the uninformed from their own stupidity, but sadly it’ll be in vain. The people who still buy the legacy engrams thinking it’ll give them year 2 weapons is exactly the type of people who only come on the forums to complain.
It's people trying to be funny and troll.
I might buy some legacy engrams tomorrow. You never know. I might get a nice new Y2 weapon ;-)