Does anyone else notice all Titans are trying to shame Hunters for doing this new glitch that Titans are [b][i][u]also[/u][/i][/b] able to and are also actively abusing in Iron Banner? It's funny how Titans feel like they're privileged to do whatever they want at the cost of everyone else's expense and try to find every way to shame Hunters because Titans didn't get enough shine in Y1.
- A Warlock
[spoiler]No I'm not talking about the infinite [b][i][u]HAMMER[/u][/i][/b] glitch, we're talking about the infinite [b][i][u]SUPER[/u][/i][/b] glitch. [/spoiler]
Firstly, you should really avoid using 'all'. Especially if it's only your opinion. It instantly discredits your statement. Secondly, I am a Titan. A Defender Titan. I disapproved the Hammer glitch, and I disapprove this one. Thirdly, I'm not shaming Hunters, I'm shaming cheaters. Unless you thing 'all hunters are cheaters' is a wise statement to bring up on the forums. Fourthly, don't come at this as a Warlock. Warlocks usually don't give a shit, and you're making them look bad. They're mostly good people, from what I've seen.