Players in the USA just whine about everything they don't get and are generally ungrateful for the things that they do get because they're so used to being told they're special snowflakes and can follow the "American dream" and get everything if they work hard enough but they're just whiners and qqers and I find them annoying.
SO go back to your trailers americans because you're obese and smelly and half of you talk with a funny twang it sounds pretty dumb but I guess it fits your hick personalities. I realized why destiny was getting bad scores and its cause there isn't enough in-game food because GTA had hotdog stands or something and it got good scores because even when you're not eating you love to eat and you don't like to exercise so I bet if destiny replaced those speed car things with mobility scooters it would have got 10/10 especially if we included ground fallen steaks to fill our health instead of this regen system.
We would also need a dedicated hunting system to hunt space animals because as much as americans like to kill aliens they like killing animals even more especially deers and stuff because hunting makes them big men and gives them erections.
Canadians never complain about anything, we're always nice and we deserve some exclusive content especially after you shut down servers on our thanksgiving.
Thanks Bungie in advance for noticing the best part of your fan base.
@Deej you're awesome too if you're not canadian you are in spirit we love you and bungie in canada.
PS. America sucks
PPS. you're also all fatties
I agree