I'm just curious. All three of my characters are 290+ and have completed every PvE quest minus raid and exotic sword related quests. Except for Fear's Embrace on two of them. My main no longer sees green drops but both others do. It seems weird and arbitrary but I'm wondering if completing Fear's Embrace does it.
If anyone has an idea as to why, I would love to hear it. My hunter is 320, my Titan is 333, and my Warlock is 315-ish. Anyways, Titan (my main) hasn't gotten greens since before 310, I can't remember when they stopped, and my hunter at 320 or higher still gets greens. It's not tied to light. People say to complete the story but it's completed on my hunter and I keep getting greens. I wish Bungie would at least address this somehow so we could find out how to stop them. Anyways, if anyone finds anything out please, let us know.
I think you described it already: Mains don't see greens. Alts do. I wonder if it's intended? But I've seen a number of people who exhibit this behavior, including my account.
They never stop dropping
300 I think
I think its tied to quests. My hunter has done all the quests, he never gets greens. My titan and warlock haven't, they still do
They dont stop
Nothing will get rid of greens they will haunt you while rahool laughs at your legendary engrams turn to blues
314 and still constantly getting greens. Not a bother for me since I can always use the extra glimmer and parts.
I'm over 300 on all 3 characters when I have my weapons equipped and iv seen green engrams dropping in the raid. My friend was the same. My second ever kings fall I had so many greens on the floor it was a joke. I thought I was being trolled haha
Edited by Sir Maximoose: 10/30/2015 2:24:56 AMCome to think of it, since I got to 300 not one uncommon engram has dropped for me. Every single one has either been rare, legendary or exotic. It's funny how you can complain about it so much, and then when it stops you don't even notice haha
It has something to do with crypt arch rank I'm thinking because all my alts get greens but my main which I use most my engrams on never gets a green item anymore
After a certain level I think they switch to blue ones
They have stopped dropping for me don't know when it happened but awhile ago anyways
I've gotten 1 on oryx and that's all now that I think of it
Using a 3 of coins after each green drop decreases chance of greens dropping.
They never stop dropping, i am 313 and even while fighting Oryx on hard i still get green engrams dropping. It will drop less often than blue but will still drop. Free weapon parts i supposed.
I haven't gotten a green since ttk launched lol
Its never ogre.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
So I did the raid with my Warlock and I was still getting greens. I was getting them during the raid as well as after. After the weekly reset however, they have stopped. So I guess once you do the raid they stop, but only after the next weekly reset after completing it for the first time for some reason. -
To all saying there Alts get them, it's based of cryptarch level, after hitting a certain level you stop getting them. You main a character, you spend for time levelling up the cryptarch!
Edited by Satanic Mechanic: 10/30/2015 1:00:24 AMLv 41
Last week during the hard mode of KF, I had two green engrams drop.
Same. My main hasn't seen a green in weeks, but my alt gets greens every day. Sounds like it's a problem with alt characters.
Idk but when I get 300 I didn't see any of them drop anymore
Edited by Mango Deelite: 10/30/2015 12:50:13 AMI rarely see one on my titan.