Okay, to start this off, this is NOT a whiny "please nerf this" rant. This is honestly, and whole-heartedly, me just asking if you would be so kind as to fix a very. very. VERY. ridiculously. overpowered class. go ahead and guess which one I'm referring to. I'll give you some time... yep. I think we all know which one I'm talking about. Gambrea-- sorry, Sunbreaker Titans. I honestly wish I could make recommendations as to how to fix them. But I can't. I'm almost about to just put Destiny on my shelf and let it collect dust as I go play a different FPS that doesn't give people instant-kill grenade-hammer-things-of-death that can literally be thrown almost across the map, and guarantee a kill. Again not trying to just cry about it. It's legitimately ruining this game for me. I used to sit down on my couch and say "Alright, cool. Let's go play some crucible." now I say, "Alright, cool. Iron Banner is in town. But honestly I just want to go do Court of Oryx for hours until I contemplate shooting myself out of boredom."
Just. If nothing else. Please see this and at least contemplate doing something about Hammer of Sol. I know there are plenty of people out there that agree with me; and I'm willing to bet that anyone who doesn't, mains a Titan.
As for the community: Please repost, or share, or bump, or whatever so hopefully a dev will see this. Whether you agree with me or not, we all know at least one person who would side with me. It's something I've noticed that kinda tears this community apart.
I would recommend three shots or something.. Feels like everyone is using titan now.