There has been a lot of discussion on how to make the Sleeper Simulant better and after thinking about it for a while this is what I think would make the weapon more worthy of the exotic slot:
1. Increase critical damage shots by 10% from the current damage dealt.
2. Decrease non-critical damage shots by 25% from the current damage dealt.
3. Replace the 5x ricochet rounds perk with a new "exotic specific" perk which basically grants both Surplus AND Outlaw.*
4. Fix the bug where having "extra fusion rifle ammo" armor doesn't grant more ammo.
*With Surplus you would get 3-4 shots with each heavy ammo pickup (instead of just 2) and Outlaw would give an extremely quick reload speed after getting a critical kill.
Tell me what you guys think in the comments below.
This gun needs more ammo and a different perk. Hardly will you EVER hit a 2nd much less a 3rd or 4th.. Or 5th target. Or hardly will your 5th bounce even hit a target. It needs more umph.