This was a pretty dumb post to be honest. Besides. What if some gets multiple sets of 310 gear? They can have 310 raid gear and 310 IB gear. Think before you make a stupid post like this an then try to save your ass with a satire tag
....aaaaand he's reel him in.
*flop flop*
Straight over my head lol
We got ourselves a Christmas noob!
Beta and day 1. Avoided iron banner early on
It's a joke from year 1, there were a bunch of posts about how people who got to lvl 30 using IB gear instead of raid gear were "fake 30s".
you're not a year 1 player if you don't get the joke
I am a day 1 and beta player. I just didnt bother with iron banner
Thought I was the only beta player still around.
Still plenty of them around. My whole friend group are from the beta and day 1
Well it's kinda cool to see that there is a large number of beta and day 1 players still around.
It's a joke referring to when iron banner first sold 34 gear
*30 gear. Let me teach you a thing. Back in the day, there was this raid called the Vault of Glass. This was when the highest level was 30, and you could only get there by doing the raid. Unfortunately, there were literal problems in the loot matrix, so there was one piece of gear people just wouldn't get. Hence the forever 29. Here, Bungie introduced the Iron Banner, with gear that dropped at Light 30, meaning strictly pvp players could hit 30. Immediately when they hit level 30, they would take a stab at the Vault. Any smart raider is going to take a level 30 over 29, which made finding raid teams almost impossible. On top of it all, these Iron Banner 30s had [u]no experience[/u], making the raid very frustrating and take a long ass time. A lot of resentment grew towards these Iron Banner 30s, so people started calling them fake.
Oh please, get off your high horse. A huge majority of everyone currently playing including me started on day one. I meant 30, just more used to 34 being the cap.
So, on a scale of one to dank kush, how Hugh is my alleged horse?
It died from all of it.
So let's be clear, LSD overdose or Dank Kush overdose? Cuz LSD isn't that high. If it was the Dank Kush, then damn. That was a pretty -blam!-ing high pony.