Well let's face it. This past week has featured two main things: Nerfing the Sunbreaker, and the Shadowshot glitch. Pretty much equivalent to a Hunter vs. Titan standoff. Hunters cry about Titans being overpowered, while Titans defend themselves and say everything is fine. And now you have every Hunter in the game using the infinite Shadowshot glitch as a big middle finger to every Sunbreaker Titan.
Then, there's the warlocks. The innocent bystanders, caught in the line of fire of the hunter's tears and the Titan's hammers, asking themselves how it all came down to this. One can compare the situation of the Warlocks as if the Titans and Hunters were fighting the Revolutionary War, and the Warlocks were the Native Indians, just wishing this madness would stop.
But now great news has come down upon us, that Sunbreakers will be nerfed, and the Shadowshot glitch will finally be addressed. Finally peace will be restored among the community. However, the moral of this story is that Warlocks are indeed the master race, and it is now a proven fact that Bungie put more effort into developing and testing the [b]new warlock subclass[/b] than they did with the [b]new Hunter or Titan subclasses[/b] How do I know you ask? The answer is simple: warlocks are more balanced, and have no glitches [b]at the present time[/b]. In other words, they do not share any of the problems you see with Titans or hunters today.
In conclusion, being a warlock will get you the most balanced and ethical experience that destiny has to offer [b]at this point in time.[/b]
Edit: Even if you are a Hunter and don't use the glitch, or a Titan that for some odd reason doesn't use the Sunbreaker class, the bottomline is as of the Taken King warlocks have been excelling in how balanced they are and how no glitches have presently been discovered for them.
Edit 2: Warlocks have also never had any PVP complaints that were big as Sunbreakers or Shadowshot, only PvE complaints about raid cheesing.
Edit 3: To those of you referencing patches made in Year 1 concerning warlocks cheesing raids, understand I'm talking about now, in the [b]Taken King[/b] era, where the new Hunter and Titan subclasses both have major community wide issues except the warlock subclass.
Edit 3.5: Everything in bold will 100% clear up all your misconceptions, for those of you that read edits that is
Edit 4: Only used the term master race because writing something "less offensive" isn't exactly the best attention grabber. And after all, doesn't a favorite anything inevitably lead to competition?
Edit 5: Yes my post has bias, but the fact remains that warlocks have no [b]YEAR 2 GLITCHES/COMMUNITY-BREAKING OVERPOWEREDNESS[/b], making them the most balanced.
[b][i]in case you haven't figured it out this was satire. move on with your lives.[/i][/b]
During every friggin' class war, I swear my friends and I have laughed, because it's always been between Hunters and Titans. Day One, it was Titans complaining about both Bladedancer and Gunslinger. HoW, it was only Bladedancer that was being complained about. TTK, it's Hunters complaining about Titans. And meanwhile Warlocks are just there. Being [b][i]offensively perfect.[/i][/b] How dare you.
we're still relaxing and enjoying our popcorn while the hunters and titans burn the forums down.
Hunters whine Titan isn't op it just needs to be able to be one shot by GG and high impact snipers
They never said they were going to nerf them. They said they were reviewing data and that nothing was guaranteed.
“Sunbreakers?” Indeed, we hear you. We’re looking at the data, as well. It’s too early to dig in and make any promises. We’ll talk more soon, once we get a full picture How is that a nerf?
The only reason warlocks haven't been nerfed is because they are Deej's favorite character.
This was pathetic lol
Lol they didn't even say a nerf was coming, they said they're looking if it actually needs it, someone here is jumping the gun
( •-•)/ Dead Orbit faithful Warlock here~ I'm a Voidwalker and I like cake.
And there is no actual problem with sunbreakers people just cry about it
True that
Innocent my ass. You all need a nerf just as bad. Storm trance is ridiculous and is being drowned out by the other two classes drama at the moment.
[b]The Ram[/b] may have been the only issue though. Not that big of an issue (even if you can survive a shoulder charge and get a double kill in the process). It was still a [b]bit[/b] of an issue. That's why they nerfed it. This is the only issue I've ever seen where people have actually complained about warlocks. #WarlocksMasterrace
Jesus feck. How about we all grow up a bit and play nicely together. Class wars are bigotry suck arse in real life. Ok so in a video game it isn't a serious matter, but it sure makes everyone who partakes look like a forking cnut...
I had all 3 to 30 before the dark below, all 3 to 32 before house of wolves, all 3 to 34 within 3 days of house of wolves. Now I have all 3 over 300. We are the master race, and people want to patronise me on the virtues of differences between supers and melees? Get a grip.
Their posts are just too long to respond to :p
Remember the ram radiant skin combo? You know the one that allowed you to live other supers? Pretty sure people complained about that
I love my warlock and the claws of akhamkara 2 thunderstrikes and rechargeable grenades, do I need a super, nope, I run fine without one and still do moderately well. On a side note in the past week I killed a number of hunters using the shadowshot glitch with my telesto sure another guy got me but i took that hunter with me so its a little satisfying...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand all credibility lost with that title.
Honestly I personally think that storm trance should have health regen considering we basically walk towards the enemy while being shot at, losing a ton of health, then trying to move on to more enemies. Titans have a ranged attack with more armor to back them up
You put far too much thought into that little story of yours, pop outside for a bit…
Wait did it say in the weekly update that sunbreaker is being nerfed?
Brolock master race
Glide sucks asshole
Lol, warlock master race? I can kill you with one magazine from any gun as you super.....