Due to the shadow shot glitch trials has been cancelled for the time being, and I know a lot of people are itching for some trials action, so what I'm trying to say is what if Bungie just disable supers in trials until they fix the glitch. I think this would make trials even more competitive and it will make a lot of people satisfied.
Bump for Bungie to see and spread the word
Edit: lets get this trending before trials releases l
Edit 2: I understand that its a bit too late for me to be saying this cause there wouldn't be enough time for bungie to announce this, but might as well try
Edit 3: Even if it doesn't happen i hope bungie will implement this idea of no supers in trials so it could all be pure gun skill
Edit 4: Receiving a lot of positive feedback thx guys keep it up so Cozmo or Deej can see
Edit 5: Instead of disabling supers what if bungie can just disable quiver. I really just want to play trials tomorrow lol.
Edit 6: Were trending bois!
I have been saying this since trials first released. NOW, why is it fair for a titan to run around throwing 8 "golden guns" when other class supers cannot even compete. I miss MLG playlists in halo. the non competitiveness off destiny is slowly, but surely, killing the games lust and balance. Still no customs games for anyone to test this at their own will and still no TRUE competitive crucible. Hard to believe they have not implemented a true skill/rank leveling system such as the halo playlists. It was the perfect PVP solution and for them to just throw idiots in with day 1 "gods" is not fair to majority of players whatsoever.