...all I can say is:
This gun is awesome. Fast rate of fire, ok range, fast reloads (atleast for me), loads of ammo! Fast action boom! Really like it, reminds me of Secret Handshake! Great for my PVE endevours! :)
I got the Dead Orbit one, it was alright, I liked that as well, but... this one is so much better.
What you guys think of this shotgun? :)
It a good shotgun, however by biggest issue with it is the the bouncer perk. I know it a Titan only perk but when comparing this Titan only shotgun to is counter parts,(the Sniper Rifle for hunter and Fusion Rifle for warlock) it such a situation perk that can only be use with one subclass, and with a specific perk set. I know the the other class specific Legendary weapons are not like this.