There is no guaranteed Titan nerf incoming.
They're looking at statistics and data. That data will show that, despite all the pathetic weasels like you that are constantly whining, sunbreakers are not a statistical outlier when it comes to pvp kills.
If the data does wind up showing that, there will be no nerf. Better prepare yourself for either no nerf or a tiny one.
HAHA Serious? Bro HoS dominates PvP. No doubt it gets the most kills per use.
That is your opinion, which is affected by your bias towards hating the flaming hammer. Let's see what their data winds up showing them. I bet Titan super isn't nearly as "all-powerful" as the whining chorus thinks.
Not whining, merely coming to an intellectual conclusion when presented with certain facts
Certain "facts" that aren't true. We'll see what happens when they collect their data. Everyone will be really disappointed when the Titans, at most, receive a tiny nerf in armor. It's possible they'll get no nerf at all. The data doesn't support all the whiners' claims.
Facts are always considered the truth. Statements on the other hand are not.
That was my point. He, and many others, are making statements as if they are facts when they are actually falsehoods.