Have all 46 known calcified fragments but next step for the touch of malice not dropping
I wish Bungie told us the that one guardian must have 45 fragments and it's not shard among account just like glimmer or legend marks is shard accounts..
Me too
Me too! Omg but where is bungie to fix this?????!!!!!BLAMING MOTHER FATHERS!
Same problem here. Turned in the parts I needed at Eris and it said to do the mission and glitched for me with no 270 mission. Going to attempt Piggyback off friend.
Do u need all them for the touch of malice
There are 47 "known" calcified fragments. Just wanted to let you know. Leaving 3 still unaccounted for, for a total of 50.
I have completer the raid 3 times
you need to have completed the raid too