As us Destiny Vets know, Sunbreakers of nothing new, Xur happy sold them 3 times in a row in the 3 first weeks of destiny. Sadly at the time I had not created my warlock so I had no reason to buy these, nor did I have the coin that is now in overabundance. So I'm actually glad Xur has them now, so I get to give them a try.
Now here is the question. Recently I and others have begin to take notice to some exotic weapons having "Hidden Perks" Gjallahorn has "grenades and horseshoes", Thunderlord has Firefly (More like Arcfly), Icebreaker has surplus and more.
My friend, who is a dedicated warlock (meaning he's a Warlock Elitist with 3 Warlock...Scrub, lol) Has recently started to wonder of armor has hidden perks too. He seems to think that sunbreakers have a chance to drop more heavy ammo (or just more ammo in general) similar to the Ruin wings for the Titan. Not sure if this is true, or if the bungie overlords have just decided to rain ammo upon him while he's wearing them.
Has anyone noticed something of this?