I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Jus fyi here is why it was made illegal to begin with; [quote]Lol why is that? Weed was prohibitionised AFTER alcohol prohibition because of the competition it gave to oil paper and cotton and jp morgan and jd rockerfellar ran a MASSIVE smear/disinformation propaganda campaign to get the legislation signed along with leaders of the paper company now known as 3M and the cotton company now known as Haynes. [b][i][u]THAT IS THE ONLY ACTUAL REASON IT WAS MADE ILLEGAL IN THE FIRST PLACE IN THE 1930s-1940s[/u][/i][/b] Then there is the fact you can make; Hemp oil Biodiesel Methanol From it and it is a renewable supply that grows virulently in [b][i][u]ANY[/u][/i][/b] climate with at least 2 months of above 40 degree F average temp. So you can make fuel from it and engine lubricants its renewable, it grows any where and it doesnt need a whole lot of TLC to grow[/quote]