originally posted in:The Roleplay League
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[b][u]Sign Up Before Starting![/u][/b]
This is the follow-up to the immensely popular Destiny Roleplay, "Oh Brave New World." It is a complete reboot, so all events of that Roleplay have been disregarded.
[b][u]Please sign up here before starting![/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/153708903/0/0/1
"His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword."
Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god?
Do not violate the Bungie.net Code of Conduct.
Do not kill other people's characters.
No god modding.
"One Liner" Roleplay is discouraged (i.e. *John walked up the hill*).
These rules will update as the RP progresses.
[b]Game Link[/b]
"Game Link" a new feature that is being implemented in this Roleplay. By completing certain tasks within the game, you can earn rewards for your characters. There are two variations of Game Link.
[b]Quests[/b]: Quests follow a pre determined storyline. To partake in quests, you must complete certain tasks in game. Completing Quests can earn your character rewards. Quests are available anytime once they are released.
[b]Events[/b]: Events are similar to Quests, except they do not follow a storyline, and are available for a limited time. As with Quests, completing Events can earn your character rewards.
The Internet
Storm Wizard
Spicy Wolf
H 345
The Mute Button
the darkness. it surrounds me. swallowing every morsel of light in this room. the room, slowly consumes my light. i look at my weapon, but it has changed, evolved to something more than a weapon, but an ascendant blade. i put the blade, slice through the darkness, make my way out. into the light i come, but i realize am croto. mi dud oricks is liek why u sword croto idk dud op is fagit k i wiell mek you wek to ur sword wai u do dis dud becuz erise is a pewp nuhhhhhh a guardian comes, with five others. he slays croto, with his last words hand cannons ir op and fgt in crucible tell them i will mek swirds k thin oricks comes and is pissed becuz croto told smoggypluto to nerf handcannons wai croto wai he bwings his daughters to take a nimber 2 on croto, but sem guy comes and stells his soul fuk he come to his lair and defeats the ogrelord fuk that was nit oricks was a shrek goes to his lair defeats fiona and hammerhed kills losh sisters kills oricks, with teh mighty poop bomb oricks: wai u kil us guardian............ becuz u nerf auto rifles