There were complaints lastyear, but as of this year, the Warlocks new subclass isnt broken, it dosent need a nerf, although i think they should have been givin the Titans striker grenades instead of arcbolt since they NERFED it!
No on the Titan grenades each subclass has a exclusive grenade
Dude they gave them a good grenade for year one then nerfed it :-/
Stormcaller grenades suck in Pvp.
I don't know how you've been using your storm grenade but mine does work
I only use the pulsing grenades, because arc bolt and the storm grenades are trash. Firebolt is still the best grenade, besides fusion grenades. Stormcallers really don't have that great of grenades. I only like the pulsing ones because I can get someone to back into it and die if they aren't paying attention.
I do agree about the lightning grenades.
Honestly i think therell be a slight nerf for stormcaller in pvp it reaches too far.
Arcbolt is so bad