Every hunter is a reach, I don't shadow shot glitch. Best thing about hunters? At least it isn't a panic super much like your stormcaller or void walker.
Though it is used exactly like a panic super in a large majority of crucible encounters...
How so? Please explain how a hunter can panic super and survive when surrounded.
You do realize you can tank a hammer when activating it right (but wait it's every super that can tank a hammer so long as it has damage reduction)
What? Ever seen what a single goldengun shot does to a sunbreaking titan? Takes two shots to kill him, one with celestial.
Um yeah I am a Sun breaker and that's how it should be our hammers can't kill any super that has damage reduction and golden gun survives a hit if activated as they get hit so really the golden gun is the strong super here considering it takes skill to miss a shot
I cannot revenue come close to understanding what you are talking about. Everyone complained about blade dancers then they got nerfed. Everyone says hunters complain about titan supers, but then everyone complains about hunters again when there is a glitch with shadowshot. Don't stress titan you are getting your wish and hunters are being nerfed again.
Well blade dancers should be rebuffed no point in needing just call for a buff in stead I'm sure everyone will support now that every class can stand a chance againsed one
Lol you titans are hilarious.
Umm ok thank you but I don't feel like going into a in depth explination right now have already done it like 10 times
Make it 11
Edited by DigitalNinja: 10/16/2015 3:45:46 PMSimple, first, look at how panic supers are used. I'm going to use a voidwalker as the comparison: Warlock turns corner, sees enemy with shotgun waiting. He pops the nova bomb, and wastes it on one enemy. Now we'll take a look at my iron banner experience... Hunter turns corner, sees enemy aiming at him. Pops super, shoots one enemy with the bow to prevent being sniped. No other enemies are in the area, therefore tether is unused. It could also apply to several enemies depending on if they use the 3 shot perk. It's just a part of the game, balances everything out. Each class has one panic, one mobile, and one alternative. To elaborate, I'm not hating on hunters, warlocks, or even Titan for that matter. I'm just putting in my observation.
Tether is not instakill unless it is a direct hit, novabomb is an instakill if they are in the vicinity. Titans also have this ability.