Probably because they're always crying about hunters and Titans? If ONE class is never complained about, guess who's doing the complaining?
It's always hunters bitching about titans be OP, or titans bitching to hunters saying they finally have a class that puts them on a level playing field. Us warlocks are just watching the fued, leave us be while we eat our popcorn. It's rude to talk during the movie.
I complained and still do complain about sun breaker titans....the the hunter glitch came our and i just laughed and laughed well at least there will be no more sun breakers, as for getting tangled up on all these damn shadowshots ehhh you can still shoot back at em n hopefully kill them. Basically i have a better chance killing a hunter using the glitch than a freaking selfhealing sunbreaker
Yuuup. -blam!- anyone that glitches though. They shouldn't be banned but instead given a permanent debuff called "corny" that makes all their weapons fire corn instead of bullets.
All in favor say aye!! Aye!! Corn the mofos
No it's usually Titans complaining about hunters and hunters complaining about Titans. Honestly everybody needs to grow up a little bit.
That's true lol
Lmfao you are really dumb. Fo real. But then again you main a hunter so I'm not surprised
Assuming that I'm just as dumb as any other person that plays this video game and chooses to focus on the same subclass. That is a completely logical thing to assume, you must be a highly educated and well respected member of your community. What other baseless assumptions or accusations do you throw around regularly? You assume all black people steal too? You're probably the type of person that would vote for Donald Trump.
Edited by xxcyprustormxx: 10/16/2015 5:08:17 PMNah your a special dumb, a dumb that most people just refer to as "hunter". You also apparently can't handle the truth very well, because once confronted with it you threw out dry accusations of racism. But once again, hunter, so it's not surprising. Hunters are essentially the hitlers of destiny.
[quote]Nah your a special dumb, a dumb that most people just refer to as "hunter". You also apparently can't handle the truth very well, because once confronted with it you threw out dry accusations of racism. But once again, hunter, so it's not surprising. Hunters are essentially the hitlers of destiny.[/quote] Hurr im not dumb ur dumb!!! Basically your reading comprehension is shit. Go back to class bro. I didn't call you racist i tried to highlight that you made an assumption based off of one aspect of my being. Then compared that to a real life example of stupidity. My example clearly went way over your head so im not going to attempt to explain myself to someone as basic as yourself. Calling hunters the hitlers of destiny is also probably the dumbest thing you've said, potentially in your whole life. Not only does that not make sense, but it also wasn't funny at all. Maybe you'll understand this. Git gud skrub, ur trash. Stupid warlocks floofing around hahahaha hunters r sooo koooool. Nerf hammer titans tho what tf bungi!??
Lmao it's so funny seeing a 15 year old try to sound mature by looking up "big words" on Google and putting them in a sentence. Try again buddy with somebody else, I've seen your replies on the other comments, your an immature, ignorant individual. Aannnnddd this would be where the conversation ends
[quote]Lmao it's so funny seeing a 15 year old try to sound mature by looking up "big words" on Google and putting them in a sentence. Try again buddy with somebody else, I've seen your replies on the other comments, your an immature, ignorant individual. Aannnnddd this would be where the conversation ends[/quote] More assumptions. Good try, but none of them hit the mark. My other replies have nothing to do with what I've said to you. Judge me all you want it doesn't matter much to me. You probably just ran out of dumb things to say and then projected your insecurities onto me. It's no big deal you don't even have to apologize. Sometimes it's hard to accept that you're wrong, especially if it's being wrong about multiple things. Clearly you are upset so ill stop replying after this. I hope you have a good day, and life gets better after high school i promise! :)
[quote]Lmfao you are really dumb. Fo real. But then again you main a hunter so I'm not surprised[/quote]
[quote]Lmfao you are really dumb. Fo real. But then again you main a hunter so I'm not surprised[/quote]
Wow, this is a dump reacation.
[quote]Wow, this is a dump reacation.[/quote] [quote]this is a dump reacation.[/quote] [quote]is a dump reacation.[/quote] [quote]a dump reacation.[/quote] [quote]dump reacation.[/quote]
WhAt ArE tHoSeE!!!!
There isn't a gesture good enough to convey how much of an idiot you are.
[quote]There isn't a gesture good enough to convey how much of an idiot you are.[/quote] And this week on "When trying to sound intelligent goes wrong" we have this dumb ass.
Wow. Didn't realise this was a preschool playground. Should I now respond with, "No, you're an idiot!" to make it complete?
[quote]There isn't a gesture good enough to convey how much of an idiot you are.[/quote]
Mains a Hunter. Yup sounds about right
Ever since TTK, It's been Hunters complaining about Titans. Haven't heard much from Warlocks, myself.