"You're a Titan, right?"
"Yeah I use evey class mostly my striker though" *He Leans back on the crate*
[i]She nods and looks a little, uneasy[/i]
*Leans in and whispers to her his helmet has been on the whole time* "Is someone after you?"
"No." [i]She whispers back[/i]
*The titan nods and Lans back against the crates again* "Alright well why is a teenager around here? Not many come by the tower"
"It's...a little hard to explain..."
"Alright that's fine if you don't wanna explain it I understand, Tho its intresting You're only the 3rd teen I've seen around here." *He rubs the helmet on his chin*
"Well anyways I'm willing to help you out if you need. Tho I don't have a ship right now because cayde has to be to busy flirting with Amanda"
"Can you show me around?"
"Yeah I guess" *Stands up*
"Alright, thanks."
*He walks with her around the tower* "Eo we got dead orbit guy across from Amanda" *He walks to the main area* So to our left we have the crypt arch The gunsmith And across from me there is The postmaster and to that robots left is the Bounty guy. Then down the stairs is eris and the vanguard and shaxx master of the crucible"
"Hmm, ok."
"Then down the way in front of us we have the speaker the new monarchy and The shader lady I don't know her name"
"Anything else you wanna know?" I know it's not a huge tour with greeting them but I'm not to keen on alot of the people here"
"No that's fine."
"Alright glad I could help"
Edited by Holy FirePriest: 10/16/2015 9:13:45 PM"Yeah if you need anything else im willing to help, I mean a teenager like you shouldn't be alone"