Lmao it's so funny seeing a 15 year old try to sound mature by looking up "big words" on Google and putting them in a sentence. Try again buddy with somebody else, I've seen your replies on the other comments, your an immature, ignorant individual. Aannnnddd this would be where the conversation ends
[quote]Lmao it's so funny seeing a 15 year old try to sound mature by looking up "big words" on Google and putting them in a sentence. Try again buddy with somebody else, I've seen your replies on the other comments, your an immature, ignorant individual. Aannnnddd this would be where the conversation ends[/quote] More assumptions. Good try, but none of them hit the mark. My other replies have nothing to do with what I've said to you. Judge me all you want it doesn't matter much to me. You probably just ran out of dumb things to say and then projected your insecurities onto me. It's no big deal you don't even have to apologize. Sometimes it's hard to accept that you're wrong, especially if it's being wrong about multiple things. Clearly you are upset so ill stop replying after this. I hope you have a good day, and life gets better after high school i promise! :)