Seriously, your really not one. You play a fictional character in a game. Unless some con event or real life gaming event is going on, I've never seen a Hunter, Titan, Warlock just strolling down the road and even then it was real person dressed up as one. I mean Halloween is coming up, so every witch, werewolf, or vampire seen is real? I know it's fun to play make believe but some people take it too seriously. Thoughts.
Edit 1# Very clever response. I seen a few but this one is classic. Not really my point but I'm open to opinions despite what a few children that replied believe. As for you others, I thank you for really responding and having fun.
See below from: IAarontheBaronI
[quote]I agree to a certain extent, but my reasoning is why the hell do people call themselves Hunters, Warlocks and Titans when the vast majority of you play as all three? Lol.[/quote]
Edit #3.2 I'm off to bed. No not in my imaginary one on my ship or in the tower. A real bed where we actually sleep and if you're not a child, then you know what I mean when I say, I won't be sleeping right away. I have a real woman next to me that doesn't throw a rock on my map as I'm discussing important plans ;) Have a great time debating amongst the hive.... I mean yourselves. Damn it I almost fell into the darkness.
Final edit to op: ColdFusionX said:
quote]Your complaining about people having an imagination on a site for a game. Please tell me this is satire.[/quote]
At long last someone cracked the code and understands not everything is so literal. Have fun people and enjoy life.
Final touch: From one of the most insightful gamers I had the pleasure of gaming with during my Socom days and tournament runs. By the way this was a kid too. Also, tags are not always needed so before #satire. Come on!
Magnum said, "Sometimes I wish that my life was a game. At least when you make a mistake in the game and die, you can start over and try again".
In real life you only get one chance and there is no restart button or 1ups. Make it count while it last. Enjoy it, have fun and more importantly don't take things so seriously. Happy Gaming All!
You must be fun at parties.
Who cares? I'm a Warlock
What was the point of this random thread. Something pissed you off today.
That looks painful... - old
#hunlockanmasterrace. Don't you tell me how to play my life! -
Yes a human warlock.warlock is my class silly . Human is just my race.duhh
Excuse you, I sexually identify as an 1941 Nihon Gaigun Yamato-Class Battleship (71,659 tons) 2800 crew members. Don't misgender me.
I am titan feel the heat of my flame burn you down
Good point Buzz Killington
I've though this for a while
You have autism.
It seems you take it pretty serious also.
Exo male
THANK YOU! Finally someone else sees this.
You know why. You're just being pedantic and posting a stupid thread simply to seek attention, which is quite lame.
Edited by Cobraslayer: 10/16/2015 8:49:08 PMBecause in the real world I'm Dave the lowly computer sales man...but in here I am Falcorn guardian of the reef and the last city on earth, Protector of the traveler.
Thought this was going to make a different point lol
Edited by NobodyJustBrad: 10/16/2015 8:05:30 PMExcuse me? I'm an Exo. But I sexually identify as a toaster. Get over it.
You are on a video game forum. You are on a video game forum. You are on a video game forum.
Thoughts are that's your opinion. Everyone has one. But sadly I'm going to say no one on here cares
Does it bother you that people have imaginations?
Way to seriously. Couldn't agree more.
Huh? What is he talking about. I have a female human hunter. Is that what he means? [spoiler]dude must be Fallen[/spoiler]
I'm an exo actually....
Lol ye
im always in character. im riding my sparrow to the store to spend glimmer for more orbs to drink later. i gotta keep my health up since i have one if those helmuts.