"Hmmm? Sure"
How do you feel about shopping?
"I don't mind it why?"
I need someone to go with me for some clothes shopping, tell me how I look in the different outfits.
"Allright" -He takes off the outfit and reveals him in jeans and a long sleeve shirt- "Let's go"
Okay. [b]She begins walking toward a building.[/b] This is the place I bought my old clothes. [b]She swings a door open to reveal a large clothes store.[/b] [spoiler]Just to clarify, I am only using this to get her some new clothes. I'm even gonna deduct some credits.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I know[/spoiler] -He follows-
[b]She looks around for a few minutes, then she pulls an outfit off of a rack.[/b] Do you think this would look good? [b]She holds it up. It is a green, robe-like top, with a blue undershirt.[/b]
"I think it would"
I'm gonna try it on. [b]She walks into a room, and walks out about a minute later, the top now on.[/b]
"Hmm well maybe in a different color"
What color do you would look better?
"Maybe if the top was grey"
Okay. [b]She grabs a different top off of a nearby shelf, and goes back into the changing room. She comes back out about a minute later.[/b] Better?
"Yeah looks good to me"
[b]She walks back into the changing room, then walks back out a little while later. The robe-like shirt, and gray top are neatly folded in her arms.[/b] I'm gonna need to get some pants. [b]She leads him to a section with lots of pairs of pants.She pulls a pair of gray pants off the wall, and holds them up.[/b] How about these?
"Hmm okay looks all good to me"
One more thing. [b]She leads him through the store, and they finally stop at a section full of masks.[/b] I want to get rid of my old one.
Yeah. Too many bad memories. [b]She begins looking through the multitude of masks.[/b] [spoiler]You can suggest something for her too. Just describe a mask, and I'll just see if it works.[/spoiler]
"Hmm would this work" -He grabs a nearby wooden mask-
Yeah. I like it.
"Okay then"
[b]She takes the mask, and puts it on top of the folded outfit.[/b]
"How much is it"