"Ah." he messes with the projector and then tweaks his ship*
"What's the projector for?"
"Think of it as a 3D map. Right now, im highlighting a light blue nebula. I have gotten some strange readings from there. I believe it is worth to checking out. Wanna come with?"
"Why not?" [b]He hops aboard.[/b]
He gets in the pilot's seat and departs the Axion*
"What exactly were you picking up in this nebula?"
"Something artificial lurks in the nebula, adrift and dead. I intend to find it." he inputs coordinates and the gunship goes to warp*
[b]He waits.[/b]
The ship exits warp at the aforementioned nebula, the window very obscured, save for a faint shadow in the distance*
"What is that?" [b]He points to the shadow[/b]
"Let's find out." as the ship gets closer, the shadow slowly gets clearer*
[spoiler]sorry for my AFK sprees I bought the uncharted collection today[/spoiler] [b]He watches carefully, hand on the hilt of his blade.[/b]
The shadow slowly begins to take the shape of an abandoned space station* "isn't that sword clunky to use sometimes?"
"Not in the slightest. This one is quite light, actually. Also, swordfighting has been passed through my bloodline since the beginning of time. Not willing to stop now."
The space station is much clearer now* "A sword that long? In an open field, sure. In tight hallways? Not so sure."
"You'd be surprised."
"Im sure i would." the gunship looks for a docking point*
"Any clue what's inside?"
"Some technology of some kind since this seems to be a station of science, but you never know. Could be credits, drugs or something else."
"Definitely worth checking out. See a way in?"
[b]He waits.[/b] [spoiler]are we gonna go in..?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yeah.[/spoiler] He finds a suitable docking point and heads for it*
[b]He looks at the dock carefully, sword now drawn.[/b]
He unfolds the stock on his shotgun as the doors open*