****** ATTENTION ******
Need 5 players for Kings Fall Raid. I have GolGoroth Checkpoint. I will be on to do the raid in approximately 30-45 mins.
Msg: Sgt Chevensky on Xbox 360 or, let me know by responding to this or by PMing me. This is my first time ever running thru Kings Fall
Ill see you in the Dreadnought Gaurdians!!
[quote]****** ATTENTION ****** Need 5 players for Kings Fall Raid. I have GolGoroth Checkpoint. I will be on to do the raid in approximately 30-45 mins. Msg: Sgt Chevensky on Xbox 360 or, let me know by responding to this or by PMing me. This is my first time ever running thru Kings Fall Ill see you in the Dreadnought Gaurdians!![/quote] Hey buddy join us gt POWERSL4V3 I'll send you a message
Ill ask for an inv when im on, thanks!
[quote]Ill ask for an inv when im on, thanks![/quote] Already sent a message man lets do this shit
Im not on yet :/
[quote]Im not on yet :/[/quote] Yea I know man... Getting you psyched lol :chest bump:
Im getting on