EDIT: There are two reason to open this store, one to make the game accessible to casual gamer (people who spend less than 3 hours a day on the game) but the main and most important reason is to get Bungie some staple income so that they aren't desperately trying to pump out expansion after expansion. They need a monthly source to keep them afloat during the development stages. I'm not just looking for an easy way out, view my profile I've put in my time enough to know that I am disappointed in the new progression of weapons and gear, so much so that I would rather spend money rather than more time to upgrade my gear. I will still have to grind out the experience to level it up but, I wouldn't be forced to raid to complete the circuit.
So, here's an idea. You open up a Bungie digital store for Destiny where there will be available for purchase:
Ghost Skins (#1 preemo swag)
Ghost voice overs (because it's a computer why not more options)
Ascendent(older) materials
EDIT: Exotic Guns (pre TDB only capable of reaching 300 damage)
Ships (#2 preemo swag),
Class Items
Gun shaders [Thanks YokoFaux, good idea]
a starter kit for new comers and veterans alike, complete with a tasty selection of blue guns (level 8, 12, 16, and 19) a ship and a few Ascendent materials to get you ready for when the purples start to drop.
I think for the right price you could make several million transactions a month to keep you fed while you spend all your time and energies working on your goal of world domination (if that still is your goal, I didn't get the usual letter in the game box). Let me know what you guys think. Also, Bungie I've sent you my credentials, hopefully the doughnut becomes clear.
EDIT: Removed Radiant Shards from the inventory list, upon reflection the idea was deemed counter productive. Also added visual relief from the text block that was the original post.
Those emotes tho