I can guarantee that if an exploit was discovered today that allowed for unlimited Stormtrance, you would see thousands of Warlocks abusing it. Don't try to take the moral high ground.
Eh......would just see the exact same players that exploit any glitch just start using their warlocks.
Except there isn't a glitch so we can't see that happen yet :)
When it does- and history would say it will- they'll have to shut down crucible. Warlock Stormtrance unbalanced. I see MANY more Stormtrances getting TeamWipes than any Titan. Infinite Stormtrance, Landfall..it would be so abused Crucible would just die. I actually haven't seen a SS glitcher yet either, and Im rank 3.5 on IB...so a decent number of matches. But yeah, bias post is bias. Pls try harder