My Warlock went into Kings Fall at 280 light. A great group of guys carried me through, and kept me alive pretty well. I still suck at the jumping puzzle. But I owe it all to my team.
[spoiler]I actually won't answer questions. It's kinda silly. Unless it's a good question to answer.[/spoiler]
Edit-For anyone interested, I didn't ask to do the raid. My awesome friends decided they wanted me to roll through with them.
Also, I think the AMA posts are absolutely silly. I was just goofing around. The most important reason I posted this is to show its dumb to have huge requirements for a raid party.
How do you get such nice groups? Im always kicked from Oryx because I haven't completed it yet even though I am 298
I was 280 during a blind run with my clan and was doing better than some of them lol only was up til war priest though
at least you admitted you where nothing more than a dead weight scrub.
I just did it for the second time, got Shotty, chest piece and another pair of boots.
Don't call it an AMA then not answer questions. That's counterproductive you fat [b]f[/b]uck
Gets carried, proudly shows it off, whores for attention in an AMA, doesn't even answer questions. *face palm* #muted
Have you done it as a 290+? If so was there much difference in damage on enemies/damage on you?
Just carried a 254 light through the entire thing...
My team casually five man's oryx at times, if u low we don't care, as long as u don't get in the way
Use the hand cannon you got to infuse the scout, hand cannon isn't good but scout is nice for PvP and PvE
I carried my friend at 280, she got the Helmet, Hand Cannon, and the Pulse.
Nice,I beat oryx last night
Would you like candy from my van? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
310 hunter AMA
Carried a 272 last night. They should be fine as long as they get a plate.
Why get carried ? Why not spend couple hours and raise your light so not to be a burden
What rewards did you get?