I'm up to 290, played halfway through the raid yesterday, was planning on finishing the raid tonight. But instead, I'm signing off.
I'm just not enjoying it. In MMO parlance, this feels more like a revamp than an expansion. A la SWG NGE. There is little continuance. Why did we have the grief of a 2.0 Weapons release to so-called tune and balance a week before all weapons became trash anyway? It's not like we can infuse our beloved weapons? Well we should have been able to, and someone made a decision to the contrary, breaking the tether between players and Destiny they enjoyed.
Why did I spend the time doing Skolas to trick out gear for Cabal, Vex, Fallen, etc. only to turn around as soon as I got it, and trash it all? Where's the progression? I feel like a rube, a fool, who completely wasted his time doing Skolas (which wasn't all that much fun).
Why as a premiere Guardian who has mastered Atheon and Crota, then on to Skolas (key words "and then on to" aka progression), do I now suddenly feel like a nube guardian full of greens and blues, ragtag gear, no control over burns in my gear bag... basically starting all over in a new game... no control over the cosmetics, the types of weapons "I enjoy" using... when I enjoyed Destiny, and wanted to play an expansion of Destiny; new raids, increase in level cap, some new weapons, some new raid gear... all as a continuance that preserved and valued what we had done thus far. Maybe Bungie would say "well, don't put too much emphasis on Blues, Greens, etc. the fact that you're 290, but full of non-Legendary gear and limited perks." Well, that's counter to Destiny 1, the game I've enjoyed playing and wanted to continue, the perks, the finesse, and working the finesse through effort, skill, and organized principles. Achievement. That's maybe not Destiny 2. Because Destiny 2 is not Destiny.
I think the telling thing, that says Bungie development leadership had lost the plot, was the entire grief of Weapons 2.0, the so-called balancing of G'horn "because it excluded people" when all they had to do was Xur it. People said so, and then Bungie did Xur it. So now no exclusion, as everyone has it and the unique gameplay aspects it brings to the game. So they created grief when they didn't have to (in light of the simple Xur solution), went ahead with 2.0 Weapons anyway (though I didn't perceive much tweaking after all the nonsense and suspect after deciding to Xur it, they backed off on the severity of the nerf), and then only a week later we find out that Weapons 2.0 wasn't even necessary because they were destroying everything by not allowing it to be infused (a la Queens expansion Etheric Light upgrades progression methodogy). No, the right hand of Bungie (the one pursuing balance/nerfing) wasn't in touch with the left hand of Bungie (who would destroy all weapons anyway for all new weapons, greens, and blues), in a disaster of affinity in epic proportions.
Should have been: Champion Guardian taking on new challenges
What we got was: Champion Guardian is starting over as a Noob Guardian in a new game
The revamp of the game is a revamp. It's all over the place, it's starting over. Why is that necessary? I don't want to play Destiny Revamp. I'm not enjoying it or the prospect of having to do all this all over again on two more characters. The thought of that is beyond demoralizing. I don't log in to be demoralized.
Finally, I don't like the Taken, don't like rehashed mobs that have no textures, and really don't like mobs that keep splitting into two and multiplying like rabbits. Sure we can handle it, but its not fun. I don't like it.
Edit Add #1: One of the only things I appreciated about the House of Wolves expansion was that I could bump up my gear with Etheric Light and Exotic Shards, ex. Fatebringer to 365, so that I could choose which to level up (new or old gear for example), at the pace commensurate with my activity level. It all came with us. Not a new game, not a massive revamp delivering foreign game experiences like SWG NGE, but progression of what we liked about Destiny, including our achievements in our gear; burns, Intel/Discipline, perks on gear, etc.
Edit Add #2: Another thing I dislike about the revamp, is the approach to sub classes and adding sub classes the way it is all executed. It's too chaotic. In crucible, it's now a joke like there's essentially two more classes into the fray. Used to be 3 classes times 2 subclasses, made for play with 6 different classes, supers, etc. Now it's 9. It's like every map and type is suddenly a Mayhem match of chaotic noise. You can't have much teamwork, strategy, tactics, coordination, with 9 juggernaut types running around.
Thanks for all the great posts. I came back to check the dialogue, and have not touched Destiny since posting the OP, nor will I ever. Bungie has demonstrated that any time spent in Destiny is time wasted. Said many statements about the Guardian who took down Atheon, Crota, and Skolas. A complex set of gear (that we were able to choose how to evolve over time, example given to Fatebringer 365), that included all of diverse burns set up for all types of hardware needed ... that means that if a sniper rifle was needed, Arc burn, I had it. A rocket launcher with Void burn, I had it. You name it, I had it. Don't Touch me gloves? I had it. I also had the gear to accompany Don't Touch Me or St. 14 or anything else you can name, that when I needed to use it, I could pull out gear that max'd Intel/Discipline in kind. I had it. A rocket launcher that was good for crucible, with detonate when proximate to the enemy? I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I had it. You name it. I had it. I had it. I had it. I earned it. I want to start leveling that up as time permits in my schedule, my choices, where I choose Fatebringer to go to 290 Light, or Ice Breaker, or my Arc Sniper, or my Arc Shotgun... or a new piece of gear instead? I should have had that choice. A choice for continuance to build upon what I had already achieved. Not starting over in all the dimensions of gameplay, not start over as a newbie Guardian, divested of all the accomplishments and prep I had worked. All the dimensions... I had it. My gear, my weapons of choice, my perks of choice, my type of Primary, my Armor stat choices, my perk choices... my my my choice choice choice accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment. I am not starting over to waste my time all over again for another 1,300 hours when I was just shown that it is all a complete waste of time. Anything we accomplish, anything we style, anything we prep... ... will all be wiped by Bungie. Every moment when I felt like I had accomplished something, knocked off another task and acheivement from my "readiness" and "to do list" was all a lie and a false accomplishment. Ergo... I'm a complete fool to continue playing. They've just made the statement loudly and clearly that it is a complete waste of time. There is no leveling and progression. Every accomplishment is temporary, to be wiped.