[b]She follows the blood. The scouter following her projects a voice.[/b]
"Hello? I got your signal and have a ship a ways away, I can get you some medical attention!"
[b]a woman in a black cloak steps out from behind a corner holding a blood covered hand over her bleeding left shoulder her hood is covering her head and face[/b]
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 10/17/2015 11:22:29 PM[b]She points her gun at her startled, then quickly lowers it.[/b] "You're hurt, we have to get help."
[b]she seems to me holding a metallic cylinder in her hand that looks like the handle of of a plasma sword but seems very different[/b]
[b]She starts to back away a bit.[/b] "Listen... That signal... I'm here to help..."
[b]she puts the hilt into her cloak and falls to the ground[/b]
[b]She runs forward and tries to support her on her shoulder.[/b]
[b]she manages to remain standing with your help[/b]
[b]She begins to walk her out of the mine.[/b] "What messed you up?"
"I'm not sure" [b]she speaks in a calm and soft voice with a slight British accent[/b]
"I'm gonna get you back to our medbay okay?" [b]She pints the the Axion in orbit.[/b] "It's up there, just gotta get to my gunship."
"I have an idea. Do you have any bandages?"
"Not with me... We're there any in your ship?"
"I think there was a Med kit in the cockpit"
[b]She sits her up against a beam.[/b] "I'll be right back." [b]She sprints towards the ship.[/b]
[b]when you get there you find a Med kit in the cockpit[/b]
[b]She runs back.[/b]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 10/18/2015 12:19:21 AM[b]she takes off her cloak revealing her black combat skin and two of the metallic hilts on her belt[/b]
[b]She gets a better look at Red's face as she is patched up.[/b] "Ready now?"
Edited by Kain The Slain: 10/18/2015 12:27:35 AM"Yeah just bandage the wound and I can get us to your ship"
[b]She finishes bandaging and they walk back towards Red's ship.[/b] "You may have noticed I'm speaking through this droid." [b]She points to the scouter.[/b] "I'm mute. Anyway, name's Red. You?"
"I'm Eva"
[b]They arrive at Red's ship.[/b] "Nice to meet you Eva. Hop in."
[b]she gets in the ship[/b] "I'm surprised you didn't ask about my lightsabers"
"We all have our weapons, I don't expect you to inquire about mine, I won't inquire about yours." [b]You notice she has a hilt similar to the light saber, but it expands into a rectangular shape at one end.[/b]
"Yeah but lighsabers aren't around much anymore very few sith or Jedi left I probably had something to do with that. You have your plasma and hard light swords but only the Jedi and Sith know how to make lightsabers"