[b][u]...And Justice For All[/u][/b]
[b]Del Fino chairman ship, Cell #45[/b]
Phantom awakened to Iter laughing with a man twice his size, not a Dread, but a man. He carried an axe bigger than the man himself.
"Ah, he's awake now. Should we read him last rights?"
[b]Phantom blinks, readjusting his eye to the light He tries to lurch, but finds himself restrained[/b] Getting cold feet, Eh? Fearful of the rest of my Merry Band?
They both laugh heartily. "No, you just need to be afraid of what's coming." The man with the axe smiles, hefting up the giant weapon.
Oooo.... You upgraded, Eh? Make sure you have a goo grip on it, Chuckles.
"I've been told I laugh a lot." "Let's get down to business. Here at Del Fino, we fight for a fair trail for all beings across all galaxies. What do you have to say in your defense?"
Heh. [b]Phantom smirks[/b] I plead the fifth.
"Whatever. Speak or we execute you now."
Your doing executions now? Someone's already getting into the spirit of a Tyrant King, Eh. [b]He coughs roughly[/b] Want me to talk? Fine. Favorite pastime. My name is Phantom, and you are...?
"Your daddy." The man chuckles a bit.
[b]Phantom's smile go away[/b] Wanna come over to my face and say that again, Chuckles? [b]He looks over at Iter, and smirks[/b]
Iter walks over. "Your daddy." He smiles.
[b]Phantom leans sits back against the wall [/b] Thought that was what you said. Heh. Get all your jokes out now. Because you won't be smiling much when the rumbling starts.
"Rumbling? The only rumbling on this ship was last night with your mother."
Uh-huh... Right, right. So this is for the grandmother comments, Eh?
"Ahem. Yes, yes they are. Now, how do you plead? Guilty or not guilty for charges of theft, murder and being an overall jackass?"
First, what Theft? Second, what Murder? Third.... Okay well you got me on the jackass charge.
"Stealing my planet and company. Murder of Del Fino himself."
Uh, first. We were hired for a job under false pretenses. Then he tried to kill us, actually managed it with Freddy's wife, and sent his personal guard. We took the business as collateral. And I still don't know who the hell you are. Iter Mantis is the name of a creature from Thorisis. That's atleast 8 breaches of Galactic Federal Law.
"I don't see a cop anywhere around, nor do I see a jury."
So this ain't even real. This is just so you can get what little satisfaction you can from killing me. Aren't even man enough to do it yourself.
"Oh I am and I will."
[b]He grins[/b] Let's get on with it then! We can't all live forever.
"We still have some....questions for you." A buzz saw starts up and you feel it make contact with your fingers.
Oh, what kind of questions? [b]He grits his teeth as the saw makes contact[/b]
"Where is the Axion? It moved since our little party."
How should I know? I've been enjoying your hospitality for the last few weeks.