Just curious, Reading through the Grimoire and thought, this or that would be so cool as a DLC. What do you guys think?
#1) The Cabal already have that call for the Main Legion, Ha haa! Easy!
#2) The Psions are More Powerful and Smarter than the Cabal, just lack numbers, so maybe the figure something out from the Taken Psions and can Increase their numbers for a proper army
#3) I figure something happens again in the vault (by Guardians or Cabal or something) that allows Praedyth (and maybe the others) to escape, and he/they attempt to, or assist in, a journey to try and stop whatever started the collapse
#4) Just real talk, if The Traveler could stop Rasputen from keeping it there, it would Bail. Happened to the Fallen when the Darkness arrived, figure we're next. Maybe it has a change of heart or fears Rasputen's attacking it again and just takes everyone the the next "safer" system but the Darkness is already there, or arrives soon after? I dunno, that's the fun.
#5) I just like the Idea of House Judgement Returning, maybe getting a 4th race of Guardian, Vandel. and and new Ether based class and super. Be awesome.
#6) Meeting the next step after the awoken would be cool. Make Xur give bounties and have the Nine fill Xur's roll of Weekly Santa via a vanguard like round tabley council room that opens weekly. maybe a floating city in Jupiter or Neptune. with new enemies on the moons of each. or maybe Pluto. cuz F*#k yeah, pluto, my favorite Planet, and it IS a planet! ... It is......
#7) We promised something to the Ahamkara. something that when it came time to pay up, we just said "Yeah, F that, kill em all instead". and not only did we kill them. we wear their corpses for a power boost. talk about ballsy. I see them out for Revenge, or for Payment, and this time, they're ready for a fight. They're still alive, you can find them flying around, and yeah, Dragons, need i say more?
#6 gave me an idea if gas planets aren't terraformable then maybe we could have floating environments similar to vex structures