"Ha why would they tell me to be worried about this rose?"
*Rogue 75 was holding an artifact known as dredgens rose*
"I'm gonna try an experiment they say killing yourself and being resurrected makes you see some weird stuff. Let's see if this rose changes that huh ghost?"
[i]I highly recommend you don't d-[/i]
*Rogue 75 shot himself while holding the rose. About an hour passed and his ghost resurrected him. The ghost seemed worried. It then went away as if I didn't want to be seen by the guardian*
"What does Elikinsi mean? How is what has happened to us happened to them. It's caused by the great machine? Ghost do you know what any of that means?"
[i]No I don't[/i]
"Elikinsi sounds like a fallen word. I'll ask Variks"
[i]You don't need to it's not important[/i]
"I have nothing better to do"
[i]Guardian don't you have bounties to do?[/i]
"Ghost relax it's not like it's gonna cause the end of the world"
*Rogue 75 leaves the room he was in and walks around the tower looking at the Rose of Dredgen Yor*
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