I laughed hard at this.....but my girlfriend would probably agree I play this damn game a little too much. I've figured out how to minimize my play time and still keep up though. I have all three characters at level 308+, but I probably only play 4-5 hours a week on average now. I have a real CAREER type job (teaching/coaching) and before Borderlands/Dark Souls I had never played a game more than 200 hours besides maybe some of the GTA series, but obviously that's a lot less serious gameplay. Destiny isn't relaxing gameplay, it's pretty hardcore most of the time I play....raids, trials, nightfall, etc. I have no idea how many hours I've played Destiny because I've deleted two characters to make new ones, but it has to be over a thousand hours.
The sad thing is now that I don't play Destiny as much as I used to....I spend my extra time playing the long list of games I've wanted to play and it's only going to get worse this Holiday season since I just ordered an Xbox One.
Working 60 hours a week, maintaining a healthy relationship (thank god my girlfriend doesn't mind watching me play games), and still making time for my family and lifelong friends is a balancing act in and of itself. I don't wake up for Xursday at 4AM anymore or run the Nightfalls or Raid back to back to back upon reset anymore. I grind efficiently lol. There are a lot of issues with Destiny still, but it is by definition an addicting game. Now that I play less and play other games I do feel more balanced. This video is meant to be a joke and is funny....But I've got a friends list full of people who don't have lives outside of Destiny which is pretty sad and even though I do have a life I've played this game WAY TOO MUCH because of the grind factor. I've only taken a couple breaks from the game ....about a month before DLC1 and about 3 months prior to DLC2, but I played almost up to the release of TTK since because of Trials...
Anyway, just food for thought.